eCommerce Website and Development Grants
There are some ways in which registered businesses can get a helping hand from local institutions to get their web projects up and running.
These are two institutions that can give a helping hand:
Wexford Local Development: www.wld.ie/
Wexford County Enterprise Board: www.wexfordceb.ie/
Trading Online Voucher
The Trading Online Vo ucher Scheme assists small businesses to trade online.
Eligible businesses can apply for a voucher to invest in developing their ecommerce capability, of up to €2,500 matched by own funding, to develop a trading online component to their business.
- Applicant business must be trading for at least 6 months.
- Applicants have 9 months from date of approval to claim their voucher.
for more information on the trading voucher CLICK HERE
If you want to contact us for more information on these grants we would be more than happy to give you a hand and guide you in the right direction.
Thanks and Regards,