Here are some of our thoughts from the Web Summit over the two days.. really great information.
Follow 2_Cubed on Twitter for more of the same. We got some great up to date and relevant information over the 2 days.
We were also delighted to be asked by Paddy Cosgrave to be part of the Live Team for the 2 Days.
This screen will hit a nerve with many software startups! Get business first then the software #websummit pic.twitter.com/6sjp2O6R
Success behind most of the big Internet companies like Google and YouTube were created by very rich people. Massive head start #websummit
Choose & Focus on 3 Metrics ONLY #onesheet #websummit
Great slide very true! ‘Don’t Solve Problems you Don’t have’ #websummitpic.twitter.com/imMzqVFv
@jonmarkgo from #twillio great presentation at #DeveloperStage #Websummit
#Twillio writing code live.. very cool.. making live calls automatically.. #websummit
Data converting it into something that has some joy involved.. @electricirelandtweetcafe being referenced #websummit
Anna from byFlock, #bigdata how to capture it, how to search it.. and how to display in a way that people will understand #websummit
Not training developers properly & allow them to copy boilerplate code, stops developers from thinking that need to move the web forward #websummit
#perch CMS must look at this.. interesting.. #websummit
HTML5 boilerplate why use this from the start?? you are solving issues before they arise.. humm .. #websummit
greenbelt.org.uk responsive design.. HTML5 Cross Browser Polyfill #websummit
Frustration with browsers they change quickly, developers have to quickly adapt code for it to still work on old and new browsers #websummit
Web standards and browsers are all now more or less the same and standard features #websummit
Factual global data for places & products in a normalised way #websummit
Shared Conversations and Shared Experiences are the way to build a culture and a vision for culture within the organisation #websummit
#websummit Oh the timezone issue.. I hear the pain.. #engineyard 8 timezones
First Hires are so important as they set the tone of the company going forward especially in Start Ups #websummit
Trust & Communication necessary for a developer culture.. what ever your background is! #websummit
Building Culture .. With Eamon Leonard Engine Yard #websummitpic.twitter.com/dLF2Nlef
#websummit gives a coding challenge when hiring developers.. I agree with this!@mattmickiewicz
#websummit https://DeveloperAuction.com new website to hire developers
#websummit man from 99designs pic.twitter.com/bAIKAziU
#websummit Google has 900 DEVELOPERS!! very competitive
Matt Mickiewicz of 99designs and https://Flippa.com … Looking forward to this!#websummit
@Behance is the Internet harming the creative industries? #websummit pic.twitter.com/OixPLgrJ
#websummit send emails at the right time! @sailthru